About EllieB

Hi, I am EllieB.

Over the last two years of my life has undergone a rapid transformation in pain relief.

Being very tall at six-foot 2 inches, I have suffered chronic lower back pain on and off all my life. As I’m sure you know, back pain can affect you not just physically, but psychologically as well with horrible consequences. Not only did I often suffer lower back pain, I also had poor posture and that was a part of being so tall-I would find myself often stooping down to come down to “normal height”people.

What happened to me over time was my muscles became misaligned and I suffered the consequences which led to simple tasks such as walking, sleeping, everyday life and even work were affected.

How A Simple Change Of Direction Worked

When I actively enlisted the help of a well-trained physio I began to find an improvement to both my lower back pain and my posture, because as you know, they are interlinked!

My physio recommended to use either a posture brace, or a lumbar support brace as well of course is the requite practice of exercise….

She gave me a series of daily exercises to do along with wearing my brace. I found I could successfully alternate between a lumbar support brace or supportive posture brace, depending on how I felt for that day.

Another really nifty little device that helped me enormously and that I could use whenever I wanted, was a TENS unit. These are really clever devices which deliver an electrical current to the nerves below the skin to stimulate healing and pain. You can read more about a tens unit here.

It took a little time before I felt the difference from using my chosen brace and the exercise. Yes, I was a little sore is my muscles were very encouraged correct alignment. However that quickly passed and I certainly won’t say it was comfortable, because it wasn’t. It took me years to get into trouble I was in so of course it took a very short time in the small degree of discomfort turned my life around.

The good thing about these braces are they are pretty comfortable and for the most part can be worn underneath your clothes so people can’t see them.

My family and friends or comment on how much better I look, standing straighter, able to participate in activities with more ease, and interestingly psychologically, like mood has improved dramatically as there were many days where I felt so flat from the constant pain and feeling it would never end.

I strongly encourage you to be proactive and try brace to help relieve lower back pain. I have also added of other articles on different pain relief methods which I know work, such as a heated massage cushion, spine stretchers and more…

I hope I had given you some inspiration!

Have an outstanding day,

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